Her Bold Universe has had a makeover! 

I’m so excited to have a fresh new home for Her Bold Universe. I’ve known for a long time that HBU would evolve into something more than a blog, but with a big 2022 for me personally and professionally (I married my favourite human and we bought a house and I pivoted my career) and an equally exciting start to 2023, I had to be a bit patient on the update and refresh of the website. 

But here we are! If this is your first ever post you’ve read on this website, WELCOME! If you have been a reader for a while, words can’t quite capture the gratitude I have for your commitment to my work here. 

My vision for Her Bold Universe 

I want you to feel inspired. 

I want you to feel like you can be a leader. 

I want you to feel like you can build an impactful career that not only fulfils you, but also makes a difference in the world. 

And, I don’t want you to feel alone while doing it. 

I want to create a place on the internet where you can come and feel a sense of empowerment to keep working on your career. It’s taken me a long time to accept my own ambition to build a great career, and it can sometimes feel lonely. Not everyone is career-driven, and that is totally ok. We all follow unique paths. 

But it is nice to be around like-minded people, isn’t it?

There’s also a lot of inspiration out there for entrepreneurs, but what about the professionals who make a huge impact in their ‘9-5’? I want to create a sense of excitement and purpose in the work we do as professionals. Inspiration to build a professional career is no less important than the inspiration needed to be an entrepreneur.

What can you expect from Her Bold Universe in 2023 and beyond?

Her Bold Universe is, just as the name suggests, forever expanding. This is just the start. Weekly newsletters and blogs will keep your finger on the pulse with fresh new insights and tips on growing our careers. I am also working on a series of ebooks, which will package up the lessons I have learned in the last 10 years of building my career. The first ebook will be ready for sale in a few short months!

I will continue to offer coaching and excitingly this year, I am also offering keynote speaking as well. 

How to stay connected

If you want to stay connected to the new evolution of Her Bold Universe, the best place will be my weekly newsletters. These will be my priority beyond any other platform, because quite simply, I am a fan of great newsletters! The newsletters I find valuable and open each week give me something to think about or some actionable tips, and I find them so much easier than keeping up with social media. This is what I want to create for you.

Each week will be something I have learned as I’ve built my career, with the aim to give you a bit of insight into my own world and of course, some inspiration. Think of them like fireside chats. If you’re interested, you can sign up here